Wednesday 22 May 2013

Prep course - day 4

With prep course officially complete we are now past the next hurdle.

I am finding the waiting so much easier by breaking the adoption process down into small hurdles.

- information evening
- waiting for initial home visit
- waiting for answer from agency
- waiting for prep course
- starting homestudy
- completing homestudy
- panel

The smaller waits are more bareable for a not so patient person like myself.  DH doesnt seem to have a problem with the waiting, he just seems to take it all in his stride.

Anyway I am digressing, today was really lovely, we had a question and answer session, we had a discipline activity where we had to say what was and wasnt appropriate behaviour and which behaviours we would punish (i hate that term)

We then got to meet two lovely couples both of whom had adopted, one had adopted 7 after having her own 7 so 14 children (all bar two still living at home) and all 7 adopted had disabilities, braver woman than I am I can tell you.

The other couple had adopted a sibling group of two boys both very young at placement.  I think they were 9months and 21 months from memory, they brought photos, told us their stories, shared happy and sad memories since placement it was a real high for the end of the day and a few emotional tears flowed.  They are actually flowing now as I write this just thinking about it.

We also discussed social networking and the dangers of social networking for adopters and adopted children.  A discussion I might raise on adoption UK forums as it is one that we are united on that it isnt safe, however shared views on this would be appreciated.

I am officially emotionally drained, so I am off for a large glass of wine...

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